Printing & Sharing

In this section I am reviewing some of my favorite company's for printing & sharing. It is still under construction, but your welcome to check out what I do have.

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You just got your digital photos- Great! But now what? There are so many ways to display, print, and share them that it can be a bit overwhelming. Quality, cost, and ease of use are the biggest factors when determining where you should go. I am going to review some of my favorite companies to give you a head start on handling them.

Picasa- Google’s free on/offline photo organizing tool
I am starting with Picasa because of how easy it is to use. The biggest thing that makes this program great is its organizing and sharing capabilities. It also has simple editing features that come in quite handy; like adjusting brightness, cropping, and straightening the horizon. You have to download the program, but it is free. There is no outsource printing feature with this program, but it is an essential tool for keeping your photos organized. The most useful feature for me is being able to sync the folders on my computer with the folders on my online album. This allows me to share photos with clients instantly, as well as password protect them.

Review coming soon!

Artscow- Printing company based in Hong Kong
Artscow can be a hit or miss company. What I love most about them is the large variety of photo products and the price, its defiantly unbeatable. When you sign up for a new account you will get a huge assortment of free products. I am talking about 25-100 free items you can put your photos on, not to mentioned the hundreds of free prints they will give you. You only have to pay shipping (which can be pricey since its from Hong Kong, but still cheaper than competitors). They also send out weekly coupons that very often beat all these free products you already have! Now for the downsides… Since it is coming from Hong Kong shipping can talk almost a month. On top of that, printing quality can be questionable. Now, I have never experienced anything super bad, but most commonly you could get a slight color distortion, white/black spots, ect. Personally, I think it is worth the risk.

Review coming soon!

Review coming soon!

Review coming soon!